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For Christmas 2019, the Pavement Pounders discuss one of Colin’s favorites (and one of Seth’s least favorites), The Polar Express.
Last time Colin picked MOVIE and Seth picked BOOK was Frankenstein! Four years ago!
C.S. Lewis’s XMas and Christmas: http://www.cslewisinstitute.org/Xmas_and_Christmas
Collider Crew fixing The Scorpion King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH1V6CHO1Jk

Finally caught up after the RSS issue.
Bit weird listening to this one having fully gotten out of the seasonal spirit but still good. (“Her name is Faith”. 😂)
Thought I’d leave this little comment on the website rather than twitter et al.
Would suggest Running Man for an ep – don’t [Total] recall you doing that one. Maybe a twofur with another King sci-fi in The Langoliers…a tough watch like. 😄
Glad to have you back. My son actually requested The Running Man, since it’s his favorite non-Terminator Arnold movie. The Langoliers would be epic.