TMTYR Episode #11: Some Of My Best Friends Are Drac (Enemy Mine)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #11: Some Of My Best Friends Are Drac (Enemy Mine)

In the first episode of Take Me To Your Reader, Season Two, the Pavement Pounders examine the 1985 film Enemy Mine and the Hugo and Nebula Award Winning novella on which it was based.  The movie didn’t win nothin’.

Enemy mine.jpg
“Enemy mine”. Via Wikipedia.

Pounder Rankings!:


  • novella
  • movie


Season Two Plans!

For those of you who lacked the patience to wade through two hours of Triffid-cast, you missed a couple of things:

  1. Arguments.  Entertaining ones.  Seriously, it’s good stuff.
  2. Our plans for Season Two!

We’re going to dial back our cadence from every two weeks to about once a month.  If this is unacceptable, lob us a comment.  Otherwise we’re doing what we want!  The long cadence is just to make the whole thing a bit more relaxed and to give James a fair chance to get all the reading done.

Of course, even if you listened in, we had a rather chaotic discussion of what topics we’d be hitting, but a few emails and pavement poundings later, we’ve got our (still tentative) list.  We’re just going to rotate selecting the next item, starting with Colin.  So our first two rounds of selections are these:

  • Colin: Enemy Mine, by Barry Longyear – Enemy Mine (1985 film)
  • James: Who Goes There?, by John W. Campbell – The Thing from Another World (1951 film), The Thing (1985 and 2011  films)
  • Seth: The Body Snatchers, by Jack Finney – Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 and 1978 films), Body Snatchers (1993 film), The Invasion (2007 film)
  • Colin: The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells – The War of the Worlds (1938 Radio Drama, 1953 film), War of the Worlds (2005 film)
  • James: We Can Remember it For You Wholesale, by Philip K. Dick – Total Recall (1990 and 2012 films)
  • Seth: The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon – The Manchurian Candidate (1962 and 2004 films)

We’re planning about ten episodes for Season Two, so even if we hit everything on this list, there’s still four open slots for suggestions from the unwashed masses (that’s you).  Hop over to the Podcast Queue page and look at the other titles we’ve compiled (by no means a complete list) and leave a comment here or there with anything else you’d like to see us cover next season.  We’ve already started on our reading for the first three, so we could even slot in a suggestion at the fourth spot.

We’ll probably be recording our Enemy Mine podcast in the next week or so, which means you’ve got a few days to send us some feedback.  The Contact Us page has all the details on how to do that.  So do it!


TMTYR Episode #10: Day of the Torrence (Day of the Triffids)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #10: Day of the Torrence (Day of the Triffids)
“Dayofthetriffids” by Reynold Brown. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

In Episode #10, the Pavement Pounders discuss the influential and criminally under-read (at least in the U.S.) The Day of the Triffids, by John Wyndham. The 1962 British film adaptation as well as the 1981 and 2009 BBC mini-series adaptations are also discussed. We’re considering this the end of Season One of Take Me To Your Reader, so we went out with a bang here, discussing the book and three adaptations, as well as having a rather extended discussion of just what makes a good adaptation.  Sparks fly, and there may be a bit of hair-pulling and an insult here or there.  Honestly, though, we actually like each other. (We’ll be back in September, probably, with new episodes.)

Pounder Rankings!:


  • book
  • 1981 miniseries
  • 2009 miniseries
  • 1962 film


  • book
  • 1981 miniseries
  • 2009 miniseries
  • 1962 film


  • book
  • 2009 miniseries
  • 1981 miniseries
  • 1962 film



Bit of a delay, so read about some Triffids!

"Dayofthetriffids" by Reynold Brown.  Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
“Dayofthetriffids” by Reynold Brown. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Through a combination of over-achievement by the offspring of two of the Pavement Pounders (Colin’s son going to the National Spanish Spelling Bee, Seth’s son to the State Swimming Championships, on consecutive weekends), and James having one of those inconvenient wedding anniversaries, we’re letting the schedule slide a bit.  Like you noticed.

This is actually a good thing, since the next book on our list is The Day of the Triffids, which isn’t a terribly quick read but is awesome.  Plus, there’s a feature film and two BBC miniseries to watch.  So really we’re just letting you play along at home.

If you’ve read the book or seen any of the films, drop us a line letting us know what you think of them.

Plus, tell me that movie poster isn’t just all kinds of awesome!

TMTYR Episode #9: Groundhog D-Day (Edge of Tomorrow)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #9: Groundhog D-Day (Edge of Tomorrow)

In Episode #9, the Pounders discuss Edge of Tomorrow, adapted from Hiroshi Sakurazaka’s much more interestingly-titled light novel All You Need is Kill.

In a twist that’s perhaps ironic and perhaps moronic, Seth didn’t notice his mic was unplugged until the discussion was well underway.  Fortunately, he’d been splattered with Alpha blood and was able to time loop back and replace the missing content.  And Alpha blood is really good for the skin, as we understand.

It makes a good redemption story, and Colin Loves a Good Redemption Story (TM).

BTW, I’m not sure we gave full spoiler warnings.  So here it is: Spoilers!! Big Time!

Pounder Rankings!


  • All You Need is Kill (novel)
  • All You Need is Kill (graphic novel)
  • Edge of Tomorrow


  • All You Need is Kill (novel)
  • Edge of Tomorrow
  • All You Need is Kill (graphic novel)


  • All You Need is Kill (novel)
  • Edge of Tomorrow
  • All You Need is Kill (graphic novel)


TMTYR Episode #8: The Tranny-saurus and the Philosoraptor (Jurassic Park)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #8: The Tranny-saurus and the Philosoraptor (Jurassic Park)

In Episode #8, the Pavement Pounders discuss Jurassic Park, both the 1993 film and 1990 book, and as might be expected, The Malcolm Effect rears its ugly head.  We’re blaming Dennis Nedry for our recording setup failing us.  So, we ended up with a great discussion being captured by the built-in laptop microphone.  We’ll understand if you want to give it a miss, but if you can look past it, give it a listen.Jurassic_Park_poster

Pounder Rankings!:


  • book
  • film


  • film
  • book


  • film
  • book

I think we can all agree Colin is just dead wrong as usual.  Though Colin might disagree.  And be wrong again.


20 things you may not know about Jurassic Park:

Making of Jurassic Park:

Raptors replaced with Kittens:

Steven Spielberg with “dead” Triceratops:

How Jurassic Park Should Have Ended:

Cinema Sins for Jurassic Park:

The Far Side “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear”:

TV Tropes “Objects in mirror” entry, featuring T-Rex:


Professor Gregory  Retallack (University of Oregon):

Seth’s Review of Jurassic Park (book):

Send us your Dino-droppings!

Hey there everybody!  And I’m talking about the teeming mass of several people out there who actually read this.  

For our next episode, we’ll be discussing Jurassic Park, both the book and movie.  If you’d like to weigh in, leave a comment here or shoot us a message using the Contact Us page.  (Or just comment on the Facebook post.)

Have you read the book?  Seen the film?  Both?  Which do you prefer?  Could Dennis Nedry have been played by anyone but Newman?

TMTYR Episode #7: Shake My Hand Grenade (Death Race 2000)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #7: Shake My Hand Grenade (Death Race 2000)

In Episode #7, the Pounders return to their classic format, discussing the 1975 cult classic Death Race 2000, based on Ib Melchior’s 1956 story “The Racer,” and also the 2008 remake/prequel Death Race with Jason Statham.

Pounder Rankings have been cancelled for this episode, because we couldn’t figure out how to recommend the story or either film.  But here are some general thoughts:

“The Racer”: Not the worst story you’ll ever read, and it’ll only take you a half hour to read.  Find it in an anthology linked below.

Death Race 2000: Sylvester Stallone is pretty awesome.  David Carradine is very David Carradine.  There are also bare chests of various descriptions.

Death Race: Loud and stupid, just the way you probably expected.


TMTYR Episode #6: Quantum Physics Means Never Having To Explain Yourself (Timeline)

Take Me To Your Reader
TMTYR Episode #6: Quantum Physics Means Never Having To Explain Yourself (Timeline)

In Episode #6, the Pavement Pounders take up a listener suggestion and read Michael Crichton’s Timeline and check out the 2003 film based on it.

Along the way, we find out that Seth has read a lot of Crichton books and has gripes about swords making a zing sound when drawn.  And James takes offense to comparisons to Paul Walker’s California Surfer Dude shtick.

Pounder Rankings! (it’s a landslide again):


  • Book
  • Movie



Discussing adapted Sci-Fi at its best—and worst

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