TMTYR Episode #47: Punching People and Getting Promoted (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)
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For Christmas 2016, the Pavement Pounders discuss a film that came out on Christmas Day 2013 that also happens to be adapted from a short story which was also adapted into a 1947 Danny Kaye film that Seth just happened to grow up watching over and over.
It’s “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” by James Thurber, that is the subject of this episode, and you’re right in thinking it’s not Science Fiction. But it has Boris Karloff in it! And the 2013 film won a Saturn Award!
In any case, we have here some very entertaining entries without a dud in the mix. For evidence, check out the rankings (which were close in all cases).
For Halloween 2016, the Pavement Pounders discuss Richard Matheson’s 1954 novel I Am Legend and the three major films adapted from it: 1964’s The Last Man on Earth, 1971’s The Omega Man, and the 2007 film I Am Legend.
Slow, zombie-like vampires! Pale vampire Sith Lord beaniks! CGI uncanny valley superhuman darkseekers! And an Asylum film? What? (not really)
Big thanks to Adam Underwood for suggesting the topic and for being patient with us taking more than a year to get to it!
TMTYR Episode #44: A Little More Data Than Number Five (The Nostalgist)
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This time out, the Pavement Pounders quickly discuss Daniel H. Wilson’s short story “The Nostalgist” and its short film adaptation. This is a low homework episode, folks, so don’t get spoiled unnecessarily!
This is a first, as the Pounders read, watched, recorded, edited, and posted the episode all in one day. Don’t get used to it.
TMTYR Episode #43: Montag Shot First (Fahrenheit 451, feat. Phil Nichols)
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For Episode #43, the Pavement Pounders are lucky enough to be joined once again by friend of the show Phil Nichols, senior advisor to the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies. Fahrenheit 451 is the topic this time, both the Francois Truffaut adaptation and, of course, the classic dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury.
TMTYR Episode #42: The Prevalence of Tea Towels (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - feat. Michael Simshauser)
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This time out, the Pavement Pounders tackle a whopper, covering The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, including the original radio play (Primary Phase), book, TV series, and movie.
Michael Simshauser was nice enough to give us some audio to drop in, to add his insights about the four media under consideration, as well as the comic book and interactive game. Thanks, Michael, and just for being a great listener and friend of the podcast.
TMTYR Episode #41: Everybody's a Victim (The Prestige)
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This time out, the Pavement Pounders discuss one of Seth’s favorite films, Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige and the Christopher Priest novel of the same name on which it’s based.
Not everybody agrees about how awesome the movie is, but Seth is clearly right in this case, and also typing these show notes.
TMTYR Episode #40: Guilty Underpants (Supercut: Year Two!)
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We’re well into our second year here, and if Seth has to listen to each episode multiple times, he should at least be allowed to pull out some of our best bits and chuck them into a supercut. This is a good sampling of our discussions on adaptational considerations, James’s proclivity for dropping in “That’s what she said,” and Colin’s hatred of the new Trek movies and his love of redemption stories.
TMTYR Episode #39: Selfie With the Monolith! #aliens (2001: A Space Odyssey)
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This time out, the Pavement Pounders are joined by Ben DeBono of The Sci-Fi Christian to discuss Stanley Kubrick’s classic 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Colin and Seth both disliked the film on first viewing. Will things change after this viewing? What will James think about it the first time out?
The movie is (kind of) adapted from Arthur C. Clarke’s short story “The Sentinel,” and the novelization of 2001 was done in parallel with script development for the movie, so it’s an interesting adaptational situation for us.
Huge thanks to Ben for joining us and providing some guidelines for enjoying the film! Make sure to follow the links below to more SFC content.
TMTYR Episode #38: Scientists Should Read Frankenstein (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
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Recording right about the time of our second podcast anniversary, this time we discuss Colossus: The Forbin Project, adapted from DF Jones’s novel Colossus.
Many thanks to everyone who’s interacted with us in any way since we started doing this. It’s been a lot of fun and we look forward to many more awkward discussions in the future.
Colin says nucular repeatedly! Seth repeats the word “story” over and over in a single monologue! James thinks the movie title could fit an adult film! And we all agree scientists should be familiar with Frankenstein.